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Katie Brown-Mesedahl
Science Teacher
High School
Matthew Brunette
Social Studies Teacher (Grade 6)
Middle School
James Bruning
Bus Driver
Morgan Bruns
Physical Education Teacher
Middle School
Mark Bruzek
Industrial Technology
Middle School
Nate Buck
TV Production, CIS Literature, and Composition Teacher
High School
Claire Campbell
Spanish I and II Teacher
High School
Jill Cardinal
Special Education Teacher
Middle School
Angela Carlsness
Middle School
Dana Carlson
Elementary School
Tyler Carlson
Math Intervention Specialist / Student Council Advisor
Middle School
Scott Carter
Director of Buildings and Grounds
Anna Cashman
Nature-Based School Readiness Teacher
Early Childhood
Jenna Chiantera
Physical Education/Health Teacher
High School
Brent Chouanard
3rd Grade Teacher
Elementary School
Rachel Cobb
Middle School
Kate Conklin
Science Teacher (5th Grade)
Middle School
Mary Cooper
Elementary School
Joseph Copas
Physical Education Teacher
Middle School
Emily Corrin
Setting III Special Education Teacher
Middle School