The Hermantown High School Fall Play, The Secret Garden, opens this week with shows on Thursday, Nov. 18 and Saturday, Nov. 20, in the High School Auditorium. Each show is set to begin at 7 p.m.
Tickets are $8 for adults and $6 for students and can be purchase by clicking here:
The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett is beloved by many. Ken Ahlberg and Theresa Taraldsen have adapted this magical story into a musical. “We have worked hard to make sure we kept the play true to the original story,” stated Ahlberg.
Ahlberg composed the music and Taraldsen wrote the script to bring the story to life.
Students involved in the production include: Marcus Agnich, Jadyn Pierce, Maia Enberg, Jillian Howard, Jillian Jaros, Claire Kedrowski, Megan Lawless, Lily Meichsner, Sean McNulty, Chole Salmela, Katie Taffe, Emily Mahnke, Ava Preston, Mateo Sandoval, Karolyn Deiss, Elyana Hewitt, Olive Holden, Arym Klyn, Trenton Paasch, Alee DeVlieger, Paul Marinos, Taryn Sibell Scheppy, Megan Sweeney